Private Sessions

Private session breath work is a deeply transformative practice that allows you to explore and heal on a personal level. In these one-on-one sessions, Bree guides and supports you through active breathing meditation. The power of the breath is harnessed to release emotional blockages, reduce stress, promote mental clarity and relaxation. By working privately, individuals can focus entirely on their unique needs and intentions, creating a secure and intimate space for personal growth and profound healing. Private session breath work offers a powerful opportunity for individuals to reconnect with their breath, tap into their inner wisdom, and experience profound shifts in their overall well-being and self-awareness.

What awaits you in a private session?

We will begin by grounding, creating and opening the energetic container. Time will be spent connecting with the flower oracle and tarot cards for assistance and guidance. As this unfolds, caring discussion and understanding exploration will help determine the aim for your breath work journey. 20-30 minutes will be allowed to help you fully arrive in the space.

Once you have settled in, you will be guided for 25-30 minutes of active breathing. You will be laying down for this portion of the session. A custom playlist will accompany your breathing as sound healing tools, essential oils and plant allies are employed for additional support. Gentle suggestions for vocalization will be given throughout to help move stuck energy.

After the active breathing portion is complete, you will have ample time to drift in a deep meditative state and recharge. After this, time will be given for insights and experience to be shared. Please allow 90 minutes for your session. You will leave feeling lighter and nourished on a deep soul level.

Private sessions can be done in-person or online. Online sessions are just as powerful and are helpful if you have a tight schedule or are at a distance.

*In-person sessions are held in my healing studio located in my home in West Linn, OR. Location and directions given after booking.